
心理学教授, 心理与社会科学
备用监察员, 监察员
林地,236 k











  •  心理与社会科学(PSS)鲁宾资助,2008,2013,2020
  •  校长补助金,2020年
  •  宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校暑期教师奖学金,2012,2022
  •  2018年,易胜博娱乐分校学者奖
  •  2011年,易胜博娱乐分校杰出研究奖学金
  •  宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校杰出教师奖,2010年
  •  阿宾顿 College Nominee, Eisenhower/Atherton/Alumni Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2011


Body and appearance-related issues, including 身体形象, body modification, and 饮食行为.


Understanding eating disorder symptoms in same-gender couples: Social environmental factors, 饮食失调杂志- 2023
Collaborators: Diane Rosenbaum, 合著者; Kristin August, Author; Charlotte Markey, 合著者

荷尔蒙避孕药的使用与女性健康:与身体形象的联系, 饮食行为, 和睡眠, 心理学, 健康 & 医学——2023年5月
Collaborators: Diane Rosenbaum; Virginia Winter, 合著者; Steven Bloomer, 合著者

睡眠对身体形象的影响:检查抑郁的作用, 感知到的压力, 和焦虑, 美国大学健康杂志-三月, 2023
Collaborators: Diane Rosenbaum; Steven Bloomer



合作者:Diane Rosenbaum,合著者

对名人的崇拜和对阴谋论的信仰, 北美心理学杂志- 2022
合作者:Jeremy Grabbe, Author; Lynn McCutcheon, 合著者; Marla Johnson, 合著者; William Jenkins, 合著者

探索年龄的影响, 感情状态, 性别对异性恋男性性行为的影响, 性与文化——2022年
Collaborators: Steven Henao, 合著者; Elizabeth Montemurro, 合著者

The importance of sleep and parity in understanding changes in weight and breastfeeding behavior among postpartum women, 胃口- 2022
Collaborators: Diane Rosenbaum; Charlotte Markey

美国青少年的体重(错误)认知与性行为.S. 新兴成人,新兴成人- 2022年
Collaborators: Virginia Winter; Antoinette Landor; Andrea Kennedy

母乳喂养, 身体形象, 以及产后女性的体重控制行为, 身体形象-四月, 2021
Collaborators: Charlotte Markey, 合著者; Diane Rosenbaum, 合著者; Jamie Dunaev, 合著者

身体形象, 体重管理行为, 以及女性对整容手术的兴趣, 心理学, 健康, & 医学- 2020

感到失望:对母乳喂养期望的调查, 欣赏身体功能, 自我同情, 和抑郁, 胃口- 2020
Collaborators: Diane Rosenbaum, 合著者; Charlotte Markey, 合著者

Predictors of disordered weight loss behaviors among same-sex and opposite-sex romantic partners, 饮食行为- 2020
Collaborators: Charlotte Markey; Kristin August; Jamie Dunaev


A review of research linking 身体形象 and sexual well-being, Body Image - 2019

身体升值, 焦虑, 以及在不同种族的女性样本中出现的抑郁症, 健康心理学杂志- 2019
Collaborators: Virginia Winter; Laura Cahill; Aubrey Jones; Michaella Ward

Disconnection from nature and interest in mass media, Applied Environmental 教育 & 通讯- 2019
Collaborators: Lynn McCutcheon; Mara Aruguete; Michael Bernstein

Reclaiming the joy of eating and striving for positive 身体形象 - March, 2019
Collaborators: Charlotte Markey; Elizabeth Daniels

Collaborators: Charlotte Markey; Elizabeth Daniels


Becoming positive: Our growing understanding of positive 身体形象 - 2018
Collaborators: Charlotte Markey, 合著者; Elizabeth Daniels, 合著者

身体形象- 2018

Schadenfreude and sport celebrity worship, Journal of Studies in Social Sciences - 2018
合作伙伴:迈克尔·伯恩斯坦, 合著者; Jeanne Edman; Terence Leary; Lynn McCutcheon; William Jenkins

Associations between body appreciation and comfort communicating about sex: A brief report, 健康传播- 2017
Collaborators: Virginia Winter; Andrea Kennedy

Beauty and the burn: Tanning and other appearance-altering behaviors and attitudes, 心理学, 健康, & 医学- 2017

身体升值, 焦虑, 以及在不同种族的女性样本中出现的抑郁症, 健康心理学杂志- 2017
Collaborators: Virginia Winter; Laura Cahill; Aubrey Jones; Michaella Ward

身体升值, interest in cosmetic enhancements, and need for uniqueness among U.S. 大学生,身体形象- 2017
合作者:Jamie Dunaev,合著者

“身体对话”能提高同性伴侣对身体的满意度吗?, Body Image - 2017
Collaborators: Charlotte Markey; Patrick Markey; Kristin August; Christopher Nave

身体形象和心理健康- 2016年

节食- 2016

Additional psychometric data for the Mate Value Scale, Journal of Relationships Research - 2016
Collaborators: Brian Collisson; Michael Murtagh; Blaine Browne; Lynn McCutcheon, Author

亲密关系和对名人的态度, 人际关系:关于人际关系的国际期刊. - 2016
Collaborators: Lynn McCutcheon, 合著者; Blaine Browne; Brian Collisson; Michael Murtagh

身体形象和身份:呼吁新的研究- 2015
合作者:Elizabeth Daniels,合著者

Associations between positive 身体形象 and indicators of men’s and women’s mental and physical health, 身体形象- 2015

Development and validation of the Muscle Pictorial Measure, Archives of Assessment 心理学 - 2015

肤色黑就意味着好吗? Perceptions of tan skin in hiring decisions, North American Journal of 心理学 - 2015

Sex rules: Emerging adults’ perceptions of gender’s impact on sexuality, Sexuality & 文化- 2015
Collaborators: Megan Maas, 合著者; Cindy Shearer, 合著者; Eva Lefkowitz, 合著者

The role of religiousness and spirituality in the sexual lives of heterosexual emerging adults - 2014
Collaborators: Tara Stoppa, Author; Graciela Espinosa-Hernandez, 合著者

身体形象 and HIV risk among college students, American Journal of 健康 Behavior - 2014

How gendered attitudes relate to women’s and men’s 性行为 and beliefs, Sexuality & 文化- 2014
合作者:Eva Lefkowitz, 合著者; Cindy Shearer, 合著者; Graciela Espinosa-Hernandez, 合著者

The tan bias: Perceptions of tan and non-tan faces, 健康 Behavior and Policy Review - 2014
Collaborators: Rochelle Grant, 合著者; Michael Bernstein, 合著者

这张头像是不是让我看起来很胖? Facebook and 身体形象 in college students, 心理学 of Popular Media Culture - September, 2013
Collaborators: Christina Rutledge, 合著者; Katherine Gillmor, 合著者

How clothes make the woman immoral: Impressions given off by sexualized dress, 服装和纺织品研究杂志- 7月, 2013
合作者:Elizabeth Montemurro,合著者

An examination of multiple aspects of 身体形象 in racially/ethnically diverse emerging adults, 北美心理学杂志-三月, 2013

Wrinkles and sagging flesh: Exploring transformations in women’s sexual 身体形象, 妇女与老龄化杂志-一月, 2013
合作者:Elizabeth Montemurro,合著者

身体形象和抑郁在晒黑行为和态度中的作用, 行为医学- 7月, 2012

Understanding men’s 身体形象 in the context of their romantic relationships, 美国男性健康杂志- 5月, 2012
Collaborators: Laura Goins, 合著者; Charlotte Markey, 合著者

对成年人节食行为的调查:与抑郁症的关系, 饮食行为-四月, 2012
Collaborators: Charlotte Markey, 合著者; Patrick Markey, 合著者

Gender and racial/ethnic differences in 身体形象 development among college students, 身体形象-一月, 2012
合作者:Eva Lefkowitz,合著者

Body size perceptions in racially/ethnically diverse men and women: Implications for 身体形象 and self-esteem, 北美心理学杂志-十二月, 2011
合作者:Eva Lefkowitz,合著者

The “freshman 15”: Trends and predictors in a sample of multiethnic men and women , 饮食行为- 12月, 2011
合作者:Eva Lefkowitz,合著者

Putting the romance back into sex: Sexuality in romantic relationships - 2011
合作者:Eva Lefkowitz, 合著者; Sara Vasilenko, 合著者

Emerging adults’ perceptions of messages about physical appearance, Body Image - 2009
合作者:Eva Lefkowitz,合著者

身体形象在危险性行为和性态度中起作用吗?,青年与青少年杂志- 2006
合作者:Eva Lefkowitz, 合著者; Cindy Shearer, 合著者

Gender role development and 身体形象 among male and female first year college students, 性别角色-二零零六年
合作者:Eva Lefkowitz,合著者

'Sex is just a normal part of life:' Sexuality in emerging adulthood - 2005
合作者:Eva Lefkowitz,合著者

Are traditional gender role attitudes associated with risky sexual behavior and attitudes about condom use? ,性别角色- 2005
Collaborators: Cindy Shearer; Shelley Hosterman; Eva Lefkowitz, 合著者

宗教信仰, 性行为, 以及刚成年期的性态度, 性研究杂志- 2004
合作者:Eva Lefkowitz, 合著者; Cindy Shearer; Tanya Boone

Ph D, Human Development and Family Studies, The 宾西法尼亚 State University

MS, Human Development and Family Studies, The 宾西法尼亚 State University


HDFS 433:向成年的发展过渡